Top Questions about Uploading

  • Why can't I upload my file?


    File types: Accepted file types include TIF, PSD, PDF, JPG, EPS, PNG and AI (Version 9 or newer).
    Resolution: Files must be high resolution at 300 dpi.

    To submit, please upload flattened files under 100 MB per side. To decrease file size, we recommend LZW compression. Please do not submit transparent or multi-layered files as they may have issues during the final rendering process for production. If you continue to experience problems, download a pre-formatted START FILE.

    Make sure Adobe Flash is updated to version 10.2 or higher or download the latest version.
    If the page is displaying problems, you may need to clear the cache and cookies in your browser. If the problem persists, the browser may not be compatible with our site. Use one of the recommended browsers: Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome or Internet Explorer.

    If this fails to resolve the upload problem, please contact us via Live Chat.

    NOTE: All orders must be placed by the customer through

  • Why is my Illustrator / PDF file uploading off center?

    When creating your Illustrator file, you must create a white background layer that completely fills the full bleed size of the file. This will prevent the file from cropping to a different file size. When exporting to PDF, make sure your file is flattened for correct preview.
  • Why aren't my fonts viewing correctly?

    Fonts may not render correctly depending on the external program used and how the file is saved. For best results, Overnight Prints requires all text and images to be embedded or outlined prior to uploading the design file. We recommend submitting flattened files to prevent this from occurring.
  • Why is my preview not centered?

    If the file appears to have shifted in the preview, then the artboard size may not be designed to the proper specifications. Full bleed dimensions can be found under the Upload Info / Start Files tab on each Product Page or view our QUICK SPECS. Please submit flattened files for correct preview.
  • Can I upload multiple files at once?

    No, we do not have a bulk upload option for submitting files. Single files for each side or page must be uploaded for double-sided products and booklets.